Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FW: Le gasp! Spirituality from Becky?

> Subject: Le gasp! Spirituality from Becky?
> From: MissWiggle@myldsmail.net
> To: calicocool1@msn.com; i_am_not_satan@hotmail.com; pamelapennock@hotmail.com; Delimetrius@myldsmail.net; yvonneb1207x1@netzero.net; benjaminjosephhale@myldsmail.net; bhpennock@yahoo.com; Geminiblue17@yahoo.com; jmason@weber.k12.ut.us; trishlvpt@cox.net; im_here_im_there@hotmail.com; hilary.pennock@gmail.com; tdpennock1953@yahoo.com; seanpennock@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 16:52:46 -0500
> Behold another of mine epistles to yonder heathen Utohnians and others scattered across the face of this good land. I have had cool stuff happen this week that I deem worthy of epistling you about.
> So, if you didnt get this impression from the last several epistles I have made, my last area, or the last 6 months of my mission pretty much sucked. It was one of those cases where try as I might from every angle I knew how, nothing went right. I tried the suggestions of every companion (totalling 5 in that area), ever district leader, every zone leader and even the president of the mission, as to how to make something right when everything else was going wrong. None of them were able to give me advice sufficient to improve the work--basically because everything was literally exausted.
> The point I make in bringing that up is the fact that I felt somewhat cheated by being put there for so long and having nothing literally nothing to show for it. The family I helped get baptized when I first got there had their names removed as a final kick in the pants. It had me so stressed I ran off very little sleep (try 45 minutes).
> All of this and I kid you not, I would do it again. This week was amazing and it was all made up for in a matter of hours.
> There is a woman named Crystal who started coming back to church right when I got to Deridder. We hung out with her a bit and answered a lot of questions she had (because there was a lot she had forgotten), and helped her with some problems that she was having. She got to trust us and we got way super tight with her while we were up there. Her nonmember husband who was very anti to missionaries warmed up to us because he got to see that we were just people and not prostelyting baptizing robots.
> We helped her get her patriarchal blessing while I was there, which answered some of her biggest concerns she has in life right now. This week, despite Sister Pilette and I being sent to different areas, were able to go with Crystal to the temple. It was so cool. Just the chances of sister Pilette and I getting sent to areas in which we would be permitted to attend the temple were slim, but it happened, and we planned it in advance, we all showed up at the right time and it happened like clockwork.
> Like I told Crystal in the temple, every amount of crap gone through in the last 6 months was worth those few hours we spent with her. She's such a cool chick. We have vowed to do it again someday as a reunion kind of thing.
> In other news, Charly (a lady i helped get baptized a year ago) will probably be going to the temple in March (which means I has to beg on the street like a hobo to finance it but I'm gonna be there, booya!).
> So, yeah. There are reasons to everything and god places people ino areas that they can handle. I am glad I had sister Pilette and crystal for my sanity for the last 6 months and I'm overjoyed that I got to share in the completely awsome experience of helping her get her endowments taken out.
> It'd been a long time since I'd been to the temple, actually. I've only been 4 times and the last time was a year ago, so I basically needed escorting as well, haha! Sister Pilette was a fine escort and I helped Crystal feel like she wasnt messing up quite as bad. :b
> Anyways, that's it. :D
> -Sistopolus Pennonicus (of the redundus profundus variety)

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