Monday, December 22, 2008

I put the Ho in Ho Ho Ho! :D

> Merry christmas everyone! I just want to say first off, that I love rediculous traditions that make me laugh and Mr. Magoo's Christmas is one of them. If you dont know what I'm talking about, you are a sheltered child, because that movie is hysterical and it tears me up that I can't watch it on christmas eve for the 2nd year in a row.
> BUT, good news in the way of christmas, concerning your most beloved Sister Pennock: We actually have christmas invites this year. We're set up to have a rockin time and a recently reactivated woman's house (her name is Crystal and she's bomb). She's getting ready to go through the temple for the first time--she's on fire! Anyway, she's way chill and that is where I shall be calling Andrew from on christmas morning.
> I know my immediate family is staying in Vegas for christmas. Thought you guys could avoid teh snow? Think again! hahah! My current comp is from Henderson (which is...well, Las Vegas) and she's ways cool. Her name is Sister Pilette and she's been baptized for 4 years. She loves going to concerts and I'm afraid just being around her has infected me with a desire to go myself (emily, think of people you want to see in summer of 09 and we'll go!). She's also inspired me to look into a group called Anberlin. :D Weee!
> It's cold here right now. I'm out in what my comp calls BFE (which means Beyond Fricken Egypt, by interpretation). We're basically in texas. I've been here for 6 months. I will be moving as of the 8th of January (my mission pres spilled the news to me), so if you have an address that says something like 401 Somerset, DeRidder LA, do not send it there unless it gets here before the 6th or so, because otherwise I wont get it at all.
> So, I must tell you about our christmas tree because it's hillarious. First off, let me say that missionary apartments are the most ghetto things on earth and are filled with the most random things ever (like street signs, confederate flags, and whatnot). So, we found a christmas tree about 2 feet tall and dressed it up with lights, but realized we didnt have a star for it. So Sister Pilette digs in her bags and gets out a huge fatty star belt buckle. This thing is glorious. It's huge and white and is lined with rhinestones. We put that on top of our tree and dug out the varieties of bling we've collected on our missions thus far (including the cheap-a wedding ring I was given last lear and a very large blingy gold crucifix necklace) and blung our tree up and strung christmas lights all around the room. There are even lights lining Sister Pilette's LSU Battle Flag (which is basically a confederate flag only the colors are gold and purple for lsu).
> Tis the season, eh? :D It actually snowed here too. It lightly dusted and people freaked out. Schools throughout the whole parish closed and, was rediculous to say the least. I see that Vegas is buried in snow, currently. That certainly must be leading to a lot of accidents. :b
> So christmas is awsome this year so far. Tell grandma and grandpa pennock hi and that I love them and all that jazz. Communication to them is scanty because they dont have email. Send the message on! And tell them I love the subway gift card! Especially since I only have 35 bucks for the rest of the month..ehheheh.
> Merry Christmas! :D
> -Sistopolus Pennonicus (of the redundus profundus variety)

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