Monday, November 10, 2008

Epistle :: Give me cheeseball recipe! Please! I beg!

> *releases the shift button*
> Hello people. It has been requested that I should update everyone on my current welfare, so here goes *cracks knuckles*
> I'm doing fine, despite the demands of training. It seems that added responsibility has made me kind of a business oriented serious person, which I hate somewhat because I forget to laugh at all the things I usually do. I guess it means I have less time to be distracted or something.
> Work is going well. Sister Boulter has her head on straight if you know what I mean. She's a really cool girl. She plays lacrosse for BYU and helps run this cool mountain backpacky thing in the summer. She's really athletic and we run every day, so that's cool. Ironically enough, we were both worried about the same things before being paired up together; that is we were worried if the other wouldnt want to run in the mornings, but it's all good because we run at least a mile a day which is cool. My mile time still sucks, but it never really was that good. I'm at 9 minutes which is alright, considering the fact that at my best (running a couple years), my fastest time was only 7:50.
> Our apartment smells like mothballs, but at least it doesnt have the fleas anymore. I'm glad utah doesnt have fleas...or anthills, lol. We're going to go splurge on a candle warmer today since we cant have open flame in the apartment. We want to mask the mothball smell taht's seeped into the carpet and the occassional smell of illegal stuff that comes through the vents from upstairs.
> We've been riding our bikes. People kind of get a kick out of seeing us ride in skirts. I feel like I belong in the circus. Last week we found a park that had some large climbing walls (for kids), so we bouldered around and on top of them and daaaang. After a year of stagnance, my forearms were burning. It made me want to climb even more. I forgot how much I missed it! (we were climbing in pants at this point; it was p-day).
> Life is good right now. Obama is the president. I dont know what this entails at all except people in the black ghettos are shouting for joy and many of the white people in the local area are incredibly upset. At least I'm not in KKK country anymore, though, hehe. I feel sorry that Palin couldnt be vice pres. She looked like a cool chick. I saw a clip of her during Gustav and she has sass. I like her, even though I dont know what she stands for at all.
> Anyways, that's basically it. I'm still in the old guiness book of world records town for having the most churches per capita in the world. People here have very definite opinions about things. I've gotten into a couple bashes (involuntary! I could have logically torn them to shreds, but the spirit constraineth me! I need not waste my time...). It's amazing how much more I know about the bible/religion as a mildly educated 22 year old compared to most of the people I come in contact with. They cannot understand all the bible, though they understand parts.
> The biggest falacy I see with all other religions thus far is that they are not based on eternal principle, despite their so-called belief in an unchanging eternal god. To them, their own identity isnt eternal, neither is the basic structure of the family, niether is the structure by which god communicates with men. It's all temporary and transient. The idea of heaven itself escapes most people--they cannot begin to think of what it is except sitting around singing all day with harps. It just amazes me how complete knowledge is with the concept of the holy ghost and personal revelation. That supercedes even scripture, in my opinion, since scriptures are biproducts of revelation given to prophets. Everything is an appendage to revelation through the holy ghost. We wouldnt have scripture without this idea; and yet, most people believe that revelation has ceased. They talk about their beliefs in circles and much of what they say is riddled with contradictions.
> That is probably the reason why I couldnt belong to another religion is because of that basic fundamental difference: their idea of eternity is based on temporal passing things. All of the ways in which they define themselves, god, his church, and communication with him are based on things that are not eternal but temporary. To accept their views would be to accept less than what I currently have in terms of logical understanding and a spiritual sense of my own identity. I'm not willing to do that. And until I know of some belief that supercedes the completeness of understanding that my own provides, I dont suppose I'll ever change. I state it like that, because I ask people all day to consider our point of view and pray to know if it's right. Therefore, I have to be open to them and their ideas; otherwise i'd be a hypocrite. I will continue to remain open to other people's beliefs, but that doesnt mean I have to adopt them.
> Anyway, sorry. That paragraph was abounding in babble. I'm doing well....and...oh wait. I need something. It's critical. If you have what I need, please email me before next monday:
> I need cheeseball. I want the best cheeseball recipe you have. I like the cream cheese kind. I beg of you to respond if you have a good recipe! This is my thanksgiving! :D I would love it so much if i could have homemade something for thanksgiving and not tubes of croissants from walmart. So if you can, respond with a recipe. :D
> Thanks! And thanks for reading 'yall'! Take care!
> -Sistopolus Pennonicus (of the redundus profundus variety)

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