Tuesday, October 14, 2008

FW: Pump up the Drama! (I'm training, its scary!)

> Alright, this is a general message to a lot of people. First off, thanks for responding to the rebuke of oober drama. I'm glad you guys thought it was funny. I'm even happier to know that you guys care if I'm still alive. :D Being on a mission is being in an information vaccuum.
> I hear stuff about the economy, but because my magic allotment card fills up every month, I dont really know firsthand about it. I dont have a job, either. I also have a magic gas card that pumps my car full of gas, so I really havent been paying to much attention to gas prices (that is until the card expired last week and I had to use my food money, grrr).
> I hear a little about elections, but it's not really real, unless I'm driving down the ghetto and see a huge Obama sign in front of a shack and pimped up car. It's all heresay and rumor, and I'm afraid I've waited too long to get an absentee ballot (if not, mom/dad, please send one or something!).
> Even in the mission, I dont know what's going on. I'm in a forsaken outcast area, so I dont even hear from other missionaries, so it 'does me heart good' to see an email or a letter every once in awhile.
> Anyway--that's not what's dramatic--I'm training. Gah! Someone from Babylon is coming into the mission and I get to train her and and and......and...dang it, if there's one thing I've learned about myself on a mission, it's that I hate responsibility (not necissarily after I get it, just the process of getting it). It means accountability! It's easier just to avoid it and let it be someone else's deal...but I guess that kind of attitude is what God wants squished, because I'm training now.
> I've had a lot of fun with Sister Martin, who is leaving me. She is from France, and she has me convinced that I'm going to go there and visit her. :) They have a lot of stuff I like. Green mountains, small cars, fresh baked bread...and probably other stuff too. She lives in the south part too. :) It's warmer there.
> I've given her a lot of crap about france, actually (in jest; I make fun of america too just to keep things balanced). I told her this morning, in a moment of half-sleepiness that if france were to ever actually do anything, we would bomb the crap out of them and they couldnt do anything. The only thing france really owns is part of canada, some islands in the pacific, and Celine Dion, and only the last one could be considered a weapon of mass destruction. (rediculous untrue statements are fun, arent they? )
> Anyway, so I'm freakin out about training and stuff because I'm responsible for planning where we go every half hour of the day from 10-9 (with backups, so 2 people every half hour), how we teach, probably all the teaching now that I think about it, and and...
> I need to stop whining now. Life's good. I'll let you know how it goes. :D Mom, I got the shoes you sent me (the exchange went through). Thanks so much. The ones I'm wearing right now are spunky, but kind of old and might fall apart, so it came just in time!
> I'm glad to hear from any of you. Thank you for your letters!
> Till next time!
> -Sistopolus Pennonicus (of the redundus profundus variety)

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